By: Elena Zevallos
Now that the days are warmer and longer, the sun is out stronger, and fresh, local fruits and vegetables are more readily available, now is the perfect time to commit to an eco-minded lifestyle. So how do we start?
There are some simple ways to kick off these habits. Firstly, you can start by joining our free online campaign! Go through and complete our list of alternatives to make the season more sustainable and measure your daily impact. Simple actions like running your dishwasher or laundry at night and being conscious of how you water your lawn can make a sizable environmental difference.
Here are some other ways to strengthen your sustainable muscle this summer:
Buy local, fresh ingredients from your town’s farmer’s market. Ditch the corporate chain stores and vote with your dollar by supporting local businesses.
Commit to biking more and driving less. Now that it’s warm out, this shouldn’t be too hard to do!
Spend more time in nature. Reconnect with the Earth and breathe in the fresh air.
If you live near the beach, commit to a weekly beach clean-up. Invite friends and family to join you and make it fun!
Air-dry your clothes and save energy. It’s easy - just pin them to a clothes line and enjoy the meditative moment!
Become more energy-conscious and utilize the natural light of the long days. There’s no need to have artificial lights on at 7pm if you’re still getting plenty of light in your home!
Start your own garden or introduce more plants to your household! Indoor plants provide more oxygen, absorb toxicity and raise humidity levels. And now is the perfect time to start an herb or vegetable garden if you don’t already have one!
Opt for more eco-friendly sunscreens that are not made with ingredients such as oxybenzone that have been shown to harm the environment. The Environmental Working Group offers a list of sunscreens that are proven to be a safer alternative for both humans and the planet, as well as information on certain adverse ingredients in conventional sunscreens. Check it out here!
Make your own refreshing beverages! Iced teas, smoothies, lemonades and fruit-infused waters are easy to whip up and you’d be saving yourself time and money, using more organic ingredients, and reducing plastic waste by making these in your home.
The list can go on, but these tips serve as a starting point! Sign up for our summer sustainability campaign and let us know how you are spending the season being environmentally-conscious!