By Deirdre Brannigan:
Gosh, does anyone else feel like 2019 has been a complete whirlwind?
I can tell you that over here at Sustainable Future we have been productively busy! In taking a pause for a moment to contemplate what we’ve accomplished over the last several months, we came up with quite the list! And while it’s nice to reflect on all that has been tackled, there is soo much more to do! Don’t you agree? Take a look at our 2019 Accomplishment + 2020 Look Forward Report and let us know what you think. If you haven’t joined us yet and would like to, we will be hosting an informational meeting in January 2020 to unveil our next steps. Send me an email outlining your interest (at: and we will be sure to include you in the invitation.
We are so grateful for all the support we have received along the way, whether it be from new business members who are doing amazing work, talented volunteers, our marketing support team, all the changemakers and advisors who have lent their expertise and quality suggestions, our dedicated staff, and the cadre of high schoolers who are working hard to make a difference for their sustainable future.
If you’d like to lend your time, but also recognize you are already over-committed, please know that we are also grateful for sponsorships and donations. It is what keeps us afloat and able to do our work. With heartfelt appreciation, for all the work everyone does to get our community, and our planet, closer to a sustainable future, thank you!