
Thank you so much for all the support you have bestowed upon our organization these last few years. We very much appreciate your willingness to embrace efforts related to environmental sustainability, climate action, employee health and wellbeing, and social justice issues within Santa Barbara. It has been terrific to see how committed and caring our members are to supporting our community and planet.
After five years of inspiring change we are electing to wind down our operations. It has been an exciting few years, and during this time we have been thrilled to witness the positive impact our organization has made on the Santa Barbara community. Local individuals, businesses, and organizations have supported and endorsed our mission and applied these sustainable efforts to their lives and the lives of others. As a result, the number of campaigns everyone has participated in during these past many years has made a sizable impact on the local environment. And, as most of us know, small efforts can produce great change!
As Sustainable Future comes to a close, we want to convey that we are optimistic about the potential positive environmental changes that will foster a healthier and cleaner planet. Things are currently moving, albeit slowly, in the right direction on a global scale. We can escalate this by continuing to take small actions in our day-to-day lives that focus on similar values.
That said, for those of you interested in participating in other public challenges, we invite you to join the EcoChallenge program. The EcoChallenge Platform is an online educational platform that challenges you through EcoChallenges to take action on environmental and social issues that matter to you. For instructions on how to participate go to this link.
Thank you again for all of your support. We wish you a wonderful year ahead and a season of relaxation, reflection, comfort, health, and harmony.